Everybody will die sooner or later, it's a given. The method by which you move from planet earth to wherever you have chosen to end up isn't important, unless something about the way your body dies gives medical science some information it didn't already have or your behavior during your departure helped someone who's still here in some way.
What happens between the year you were born and the year your body dies isn't even important, unless whatever happened was love.
Whatever kind of existence you have after your body dies is dependent on two things: did you ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior and did you love. If you haven't asked Jesus into your heart, then you haven't even begun to love. Those who listen to Jesus and do what He says are empowered to go beyond what's humanly capable in love. Jesus never asks anybody to do anything that isn't love. And the reward Jesus prepares for you in Heaven will be based on how well you loved.
Often what we, in our human reason, think is love isn't.
Life is all about love and learning to love.
Dan loved you who are reading this.
From 2002 onward Dan lived every day with a constant headache, yet most of you never knew that because it wouldn't have been loving to inflict his pain on you. I remember him as the most considerate, patient, thoughtful man I ever met. No human being ever has or will ever love me as much as Dan loved me.
Remember how he loved you. And remember, when your body dies nothing you ever did will matter except love.
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