Monday, March 16, 2015

The ___ Begins Feeding on Itself

What are they called? Some people call them "the Left," others call them "Liberals," I don't know what to call them--they're nuts! Recently a university decided that "Women's Studies" was sexist (well, yes, it is, it always has been), but they don't know what to call it now--the name gets so long trying to list all the possible genders (male will not be included, by the way) that it won't fit on the signboard outside the building. Concepts that didn't have logic behind them to start with (or at least very little logic, but loads of feelings) don't hold up very well, even when emotional thinkers revisit them. We've got a lot of emotional thinkers these days. It's the way a baby thinks, you know, with his emotions--every feeling on display to the max with no moderation. Here's an article in the same vein:

Being Nice to Women is Sexist

Men, face it, you're just damned--unless you're a protected group, like gay or of the proper color (white is not a proper color).

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