Monday, March 30, 2015

We Can't Afford to Have the Wrong Picture of Who God Is and What He's Like...

This is probably the most amazing seven minute sermon I've ever heard. This pastor is now on my list to follow and listen to. This sermon is the example of the kind of real teaching about God that I didn't get until recently--even Kenneth Copeland didn't put it quite like this. Joseph Prince is another one I'm following. I've listened to him long enough to have discovered things he says I don't agree with. Well, that's to be expected. We're not going to agree with anybody all the time. The other person I'm following is Lance Wallnau. These men have such a vastly different picture of who God is, what He's like, His objectives for my life--your life, anybody's life--that is so inconceivably different from anything I learned growing up that I suspect the people who taught me would find these fellows to be heretics. One thing Joseph Prince pointed out was that the Apostle Paul was so radical in his teachings on Jesus that people thought he was a heretic!

We've all heard the version of God where God is sitting in Heaven on His throne clutching His great, cosmic ray gun just waiting to zap the next sinner--but that's not the version of God Jesus portrayed when He was here! When Jesus says, "If you've seen Me you've seen the Father," we hear it and nod, but it doesn't even occur to us that Jesus never acted like a cosmic Mafia Don itching for an opportunity to punish a sinner.

It's a shame when we think the Bible becomes so familiar that we don't read it anymore. Or if we do read it we don't actually think about what it says. We just plug in the meaning someone taught us. Lance Wallnau talks about how we can get into being religious and make things that are astonishing and amazing into the most boring crap ever. We do it with the Bible and we do it with God. We assume we know, but we don't even have an inkling.

To get a taste of what I'm talking about watch the video:

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